Singapore Straits Times Index Looks Set to Trend Further Down

Tuesday 22 March 2011
It had been a few days since i last posted the last entry. At the moment, the Libya turmoil looks like anything but stopping soon, and for the Japanese, while they must be lauded for their unwavering and united-in-the-face-of-adversity spirit, their financial market will continue to fluctuate with good/bad/good/bad news from the Fukushima Daachi nuclear power plant until the matter is finally resolved. 

I have a niggling feel that by the time when the dust finally settle down, the nikkei could be reaching near the post-Lehman Brothers low levels. And from there, it could shrug of its “Lost Decade” tag and staging a super duper bull run to finally complete its “W” recovery. They had done it once (after World War II), there is no reason they can’t do it again. But for now, with the markets getting hit by radiation and tomahawk missiles, things are still pretty bleak. And our very own Singapore Straits Times Index looks set to trend down further.


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